tahniah coz berjaya lulus ngan cemerlang iaitu 94.2% untuk your ujian AUSMAT (Australian Matriculation)..i just don't know what to say,im sooOo proud of you and im sure that our parents are very happy(^^)..u deserved if!! alhamdulillah..actually lulus for the AUSMAT is one thing, the other thing is getting such a high percentage in the exam..!! u are awesome (^_^) hehehe.. you know what i really respect about you..is that your always a top scorer...u always succied in what you do..masa pergi shopping pon bawa nota..everywhere!!..everywhere is you and your notes..agama mmg hebat,doa n your prayers mmg mantap..you are so gonna be like dad..you guys are soooOoo intelligent!! ( sy ade mewarisi ke?hehecm x je :P)..
dah beli ke brg2 nak pergi new zealand tahun depan?bulan dua kn? mak kata zairi pergi dulu..then bulan 3 abah dtg for cuti sebatical (research for professors)..what i can say is.."trima kasih Tuhanku..berkatilah adikku sepanjang hayatnya"..amin ya robbiyal alamin.. :) im soooooOO..happy :D nak beli ape kat de eh..beli puppy la.. :P xpon anak panda..tp anak panda ade kat bilik sebelah..haha..si nedita :P
university zairi for degree..Oakland University,the best university in New Zealand,ranking pertama :D n best of all, JPA taja..alhamdulillah :D
p/s: laptop baru nmpak..hehe..kembg x idom ? :P