sy: awk..awk nak pegi kul bape umah tok mak awk?
nedi: awl pagi... (de kalau ceting ngan denz mmg nada de kompiden+mendatar ala2 xhiraukn semua si denz punye pasal..kat umah ni (EP) ade peti ais berulat yg nedi kata bila bkk je..terabor ulat..letak denz dlm peti tu aci x? tp cian lak, denz kat dlm tempat ais ktol-ketol tu aci x?hahahahaa...nyebuk kau denz (bunyi himawari) ..ahahahhaha)
sy: lpas subuh ke wak?
nedi: dlm kul 8..ahahahahahahahaha
lpas gelak lagik...bunyi cm ahahahahHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!!!!#$^&%**$
dlm hati sy: ni mesti dnz wat lawak..
pagi ahd yg indah..pukul 8pagi nedi tidak kelihatan seperti nak bertolak naik sepeti selesa ngan keadaan terbaring bersama si busuknya dan Denz junior yg baru lahir..
pkul 10.55am nedi pon nak bertolak
sy: wahhh..pukul 8am (refering to 10.55am)..awk da siap eh (^^)
nedi: tertido td..ahahahahahahahahahahah
sy: cess..kata je kul 8am kunun..
nedi: ahahahahaha..hahahah
sy: awk..awk pegi teluk mas sejam pastu dah kul 12..pastu tagh hari mak awk balik KL..bek xpyah pegi..
nedi: ahahahahaha...
nedi sejak kebelakangan ni asyik gelak je..maybe de terlampau hepi bersama denz..alhamdulillah..atau maybe de xberapa Ok..sbb aritu de wat piss kat sy.. (-.-) ade belek2 blog kengkawan..dan memandangkn sy ade byk keje tp xstat2 sy decided untuk jwb tag mereka..sebelom ni diorg tag sy tp sy xlayan pon..ahahah..maappp..
1. What is your nick name?
-oggy (adaptasi dari oggy and the lipas)
2. who do you admire?
emm..admire nurul zakiah aci x?
3. What are you currently doing?
mkn pistachios masin
4.What had you drank this morning?
5.Current favorite song?
aya and the backbone..ahhahhahah
6.Do you like beaches?
yesssssssssssss....except for getting tanned *_*
7. Your hight?
165cm..without heels (^_^)
8. Weaknesses?
emm sy xboleh nak tolak kebelakang seat bas express tanpa bantuan nedi..waaaaaaa
9.How to cure your weaknesses?
bawak nedi la seterom..
10.What do you hate?
haaaaaa....dipaksa melakukn sesotu akan menyebabkn rimasss
11. If you were given a chance to say something to the world..what would you say?
Dear berasa sgt xtau...
12.If you were given a handsome guy,what would you do?
13. If you were given rm5000 a month,would that satisfy your ordinary needs?
mstila tidak..mana cukup..bayar yuran MMu je bleh la..kira posa 1 bulan..
14. What do you like?
-buy books
-kacau nedi
-play outdoor games
-live in a palace
-ape2 yg laju
-print notes tp xbaca
-all my kitab
-swimming pool wpon melaka xde..
-baju yg byk
-negara yg aman
-hidu oksigen
-kucin tanpa kuku n gigi
15.What you don't like?
-diberi arahan yg xmunasabah
-bising kecuali sy n nedi..ahahahha..sell-ikan
-terlalu panas
-terpaksa jimat..huhh
-windo shopin
-back stabber
-lauk yg tawar
-unfulfilled needs
-haaa,,.....kelambatan...meci amat..
-asyik ckp insyaAllah tp xberusaha..
-kacang panjang xsukaaaaaaaaaaa..
-toilet kotor..pantang..huhh
-org yg berdengkur...xmungkin sy dapat tido..neverrr
-KTM yang lambat
-terlambat bayar fees
-buah ciku..
16. Are you in love now?
yupp (^_^)
17. If there were a liter of much do you love him?
2 sintimeter before the cap..the other 2 sintimeter adalah sbb xbg lagik hadiah besday n suroh saba..rasanya sy paling saba berbanding org lain..huhh
18.Love at first sight?
Tak percaya
19.Love at second sight?
20. How do you express yourself?
pendam menjadi nasik kepal
21. Your dream?
earning at least rm20,000 a month then smiling bunyi..hehh..hehh..hehh
22. In your opininon, what are the characteristics of men that are not good enough? la kita ni bgus,ni haa..
-xjaga mak ayah
-xjaga isteri ngan baik sehingga isteri wat muka hepi olok-olok
tu jela stakat ni memandangkn xkawin lagik..
23. What is you wish?
hoping that those i love will be loved by my parents and family..its painful if you love someone but they are not accepated by family and friends
24. Why do you love him?
because i follow what allah mentioned in the pick those with agama first..then kekayaan wpon de xkeje lagik..then at last rupa..
it might seem easy if you love someone because of his agama,but agak mencabar bg sy..
25.When are you getting married?
when he realize that he is letting a girl become old..huhh..
26. Will you wait for a thousand years to marry him?
secara realitynya..idop 60 tahun je..tu kira cincai tanpa kematian..skrg da ade dlm 38 tahun lagik..shall i wait??
27. Last words?
bilala nedi ni nak balik..da bosan da jawab soklan2 pon jawab 27 je..ade lagik 23..byk sgt la pulak..
p/s: panjang umo dak belikn lauk untuk sy..ngeeeeeeeee (^_^) mknn :)