Sunday, April 12, 2009

super nedi :D

weekend sy amatla super!
at nedi's place..
it was superrrr tenang..
her family was super different..
her toilet was super shinning...
her mom was super mudaaa..
n super kelakar..
ade ke istilah super kelakar? :P
her sis number 3 was super alim..
peda panggil de "mualimah" sbb de tegor peda freehair
since she wore a super labuh punye tudung..
she was funny gak tau...i like her though.. :)
padahal masa tu gelap kat luar her super rumah n de pki hood sweater..
peda is super baik that day..
de basuh pinggan sy..ngee
which i ate super bykkkkk mknn...
n de layan kehendak nedi sambil wat idom kembg2 n mata gulim..
ngepek kau..
nawarah her youngest sister likes my "gigi lekat"
which de kata "eh awk,ape tuuuu...kat gigi tuuu" "gula2"...gula2 lekat kat semua gigi..
kebetulan lak semua kaler sama n bentuk petak..
nawarah or so called himawari (adik sinchan) was superrrrrrrrrr energetic tau x!!!
super friendly!!
i like nedi's super siblings...
n her super tandas..
n her super cousins..
n her super katil..
n her super lantai..
n her super siling..
n her super lukisan karya himawari kat dinding..hehhe
lastly..superrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr thanks to nedi :)

i love my super buddy!! (^_^)