Monday, May 11, 2009

happiness :)

life is hard..mcm2 kene lalui,kekadang ade companion..kekadang xde..nak face sendiri tu agak kene gak..msti! jadi..apa yg berada disekeliling dan yg dtg kepada kita adalah dugaan..u can love everyone mucho mucho..but,remember..take a pen..draw a line coz God is supposed to be 95% in your heart~

how can a person be alone to face this world yg kijam..but its meant to be like not salahkn takdir..coz u are the person that lead yourself either to the path that brings u happiness or to the path that brings you failure in life..

u can always guide your love ones,best and those that means a lot in your life..but they themselves have to guide their own life too..yes,people say "nobody's perfect"..itu hanya alasan~ coz..if you're not perfect...than try to be perfect..improve,improve and improve..

love me..and i'll love u back..

picture ini diedit oleh kilah n "sha lew lew"... the end!


Kay said...

selamat study cik kiah....

all the best tuk presentation fyp kamu....


Malkisideeq said...

wahhhh...lama tk tgok gmbr baru..hee...sweeet cm gula kapas...:P

Zakiah Zazli said...

to kay: cess..cik kiah plak :P selamat stadi juga!!

Anonymous said...

aku nak baring jugak
sronok baring atas katil
muka ko sgt bahagia
ni msti da abis keje dah ni
muka ko yg ni la best!

Anonymous said...

dear pipi pink
what you said is true
improve makes someone near to perfect,people can be perfect if they learn from their mistakes,they can!
i agree with you that to make life go on smoothly,courage is needed

labiu n i labiu 100x back


Anonymous said...

betol lah!!
xsuka dgr org asyik ckp "xde yg sempurna.."

nice words...

Sabrina said...

cantik gambar-gambar tu =)

gune camera apa?